Hampton Union Interviews Bonnar for Toward the Light
Kathleen Bailey has her interview with Bonnar posted here.
Kathleen Bailey has her interview with Bonnar posted here.
Bonnar’s publicist, David Ivester, just produced this beautiful video trailer made for her book – but don’t wait for the movie! click here to see it
Booktrib, a leading source of book reviews, has featured Toward the Light, with a very cool picture of the book cover superimposed on a picture of Guate at night. Please check out this terrific review.
The Newburyport Daily News, hometown paper of the Jabberwocky book store where Toward the Light is launching tonight, has published an Editor’s Pick article about Bonnar and tonght’s launch of the book.Read all about it!
Katie and Barbara at the 3 no 7 blog have posted a lovely review of Bonnar’s debut novel.Please check it out.
Elena Taylor, author of the Eddie Shoes mystery series, has included Bonnar and Toward the Light in her “New Books for 2020” post. Her own latest, All We Buried, a Sheriff Bet Rivers story is also out now.
The Big Thrill, a magazine for international thriller writers, has published a piece on Toward the Light, in their January issue. You can check it out online here.
Manchester’s The Hippo has just published an article about Toward the Light in its January 2 issue. Check it out on page 35, which you can click to on their web site.
Delighted @AppleBooks included TOWARD THE LIGHT in their Winter’s Most Anticipated collection! Check it out here
Mystery Scene magazine printed an essay of mine in its November print edition. It’s about how travel can help inform your sense of place as a writer. You can download a pdf here.