I’ve Won the 2024 Derringer!

In the Long Story category, “Good Deed for the Day” has won this year’s Derringer, an award from the Short Mystery Fiction Society. Here is the set of finalists and winners in each category:

In the Long Story category, “Good Deed for the Day” has won this year’s Derringer, an award from the Short Mystery Fiction Society. Here is the set of finalists and winners in each category:
I betcha there are still a couple of Crime Wave podcasts you haven’t managed to hear yet (amirite?) so check out the whole list, sit back, and enjoy . . . We’ll be back next Read more…
What happens at the Waffle House stays at the Waffle House. Editors Michael Bracken & Stacy Bolla Woodson with stories from Alan S. Orloff, Nils Gilbertson, J.D. Allen, Mark Bergin, Bonnar Spring, Austin S. Camacho, Read more…
I’ll be moderating a panel this year as BoucherCon is being held at Opryland. Y’all come!